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#ourclockhousefamily Welcome to our school! Are you looking for a place in 2025 (Nursery or Reception) - book on one of our tours!

Year 6 Bouremouth Trip

Dear Parent/Carers,

As we walk the corridors and the playgrounds we hear the faint sounds and whispers of who they will be sharing a room with, the sweets they are going to attempt to smuggle in and the food they are just simply not prepared to eat.  However, after an action packed day I would challenge the most stubborn of eaters to resist a big warm dinner.


The SATs are over and the topic of conversation is now the trip: the coach ride, the activities, how they are going to survive without someone to make their bed and washing up after them, sorry not the case!  They are bursting with excitement and raring to go so look out for the updates along the way to catch up on their daily adventures. 


Don't forget to ask your teachers or Year Group Leader for any additional information if needed we want to make the trip as enjoyable as we can for everyone and would not want anybody to unnecessarily worry! 


Have fun, we all look forward to seeing what you get up to along the way and also hearing all about it when you return, perhaps someone would like to post a news article on our new website to share some of your fantastic experiences! 


Everyone at Clockhouse Primary School      

