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Science at Clockhouse Primary School


“Every brilliant experiment, like every great work of art, starts with an act of imagination!”

– Jonah Lehrer



Read on to find out all about Science at Clockhouse!


Who leads Science at Clockhouse?

I am Mrs Jones and I am the Science lead at Clockhouse. I have always loved science, from being a young girl asking for a science kit for Christmas, right up to today. I have a passion for the knowledge and understanding of the world around us, the curiosity to want to answer the unanswerable questions, and all I hope is that the children I teach feel even 1% of the enjoyment I do from learning about science. If they do that then I have achieved my goal as science lead.


What is Science all about at Clockhouse?

Science at Clockhouse is all about learning through doing. Giving the children the opportunity to explore their theories, test their ideas and learn about how the world around is affected by them. Through a range of activities, the children at Clockhouse develop a deep understanding of the world around them, can problem solve, work as part of a team and answer challenging questions. We focus on a different topic each half term, which includes plenty of practical activities to ensure all learners can progress and thrive in the subject.


Find out more about Science at Clockhouse?

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At Clockhouse we have an annual science week for all year groups to get involved in. This normally involves lots of visitors, fun experiments and ends with a fabulous science fair where the children get to share their amazing science learning with the whole school. In past years we have had visits from the birds of Prey, Mad Science and students from local secondary schools.


Click on the link below to see Science at Clockhouse in action:

Click on the link below to see our Science Newsletter:
