Year 3 is an exciting year to be a part of, it is also known as the continent of South America! Like every Year Group at Clockhouse, we have a fun-filled, creative curriculum to excite and inspire the children of the year group. Our teachers work hard to ensure that we make the learning in Year 3 exciting and memorable. Our teachers are Miss Burrell (Peru), Miss Hanson (Brazil) and Miss Thompson (Argentina). We also have a number of other adults who help us learn, make progress and be the best that we can be.
Our exciting lessons are linked to the Clockhouse Curriculum and using our topics we also have the opportunity to develop and improve our Literacy and maths skills. During Year 3, we will be learning through the exciting themes of ‘Who are our ancestors?’, ‘What on Earth is going on?’ and our final topic, ‘The Groovy Greeks’.
We launch each topic with our ‘Stunning Starter’, which helps us to get involved in the new theme and motivated to learn. We also plan in a ‘Marvellous Middle’ to further engage the children and make their learning memorable and at the end of each topic, we have end with a ‘Fabulous Finish’. Our Stunning Starter, Marvellous Middle and Fabulous Finish could include trips out, visitors in or other fun activities. We look forward to inviting or families in this year to share our learning in a fun and meaningful way. During each topic we will have a Home Learning Quest, which provides an opportunity to learn about the things that interest us and we want to find out about.
During the Autumn term, we learn about life in the Stone Age and Iron Age. As part of our topic we will learn about the life styles of people living during this time and how it changed over time. We will be learning about settlement and what we will need to survive, including building our own dens!
During the Spring term and our topic, ‘What on Earth is going on?’ we will be learning about volcanoes and the impact they have. This will also involve learning about different types of rocks.
During the Summer term we will be learning about the life styles of the Ancient Greeks and how they have impacted on our lives today. During this topic, we will get the opportunity to dress up in Ancient Greek clothing and take part in some Olympic style games.
During the year we will have lots of other exciting events… keep checking the website and letters home for further information.
All this sensational learning means that we enjoy our time in Year 3 and are ready and excited for the new challenges ahead of us in Year 4!
Please click on the link below to find out more information about what we will be learning this year: