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Maths at Clockhouse Primary School


"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new!"

- Albert Einstein



Read on to find out all about Maths at Clockhouse!


Who leads Maths at Clockhouse?

I am Mrs Overton and I lead Maths at Clockhouse. Maths is my absolutely favourite subject and I am passionate about ensuring that the children (and adults) enjoy maths too! For those that know me, they will know that I love a competition so I enjoy planning in opportunities for the children to take part in competitions in school and with other schools throughout the year. One of my biggest passions is ensuring that children and are not afraid of it maths! One of the biggest barriers to learning in maths is the fear of getting it wrong but what we learn along the way, particularly through our mistakes, is just as important, if not, more important!


What is Maths all about at Clockhouse?

Maths is taught through a challenge approach at Clockhouse, which means all children are able to access their learning and make progress at their own level and pace. The children are encouraged to challenge themselves to move on to the next challenge and to develop and deepen their understanding throughout the week. We also plan an ‘Apply it’ day where everyone gets the opportunity to apply what they have been learning that week. We are very lucky to have lots of open space at Clockhouse and plan in lots of opportunities to take our learning outside as part of Active maths!


Find out more about Maths at Clockhouse?

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Maths has a high profile at Clockhouse and we dedicate a whole day each year to ‘Number Day’. Children often ask when they will need their maths learning in ‘real life’ and to make their learning more meaningful, we plan opportunities for the children to apply their learning in maths to real life contexts, including ‘Enterprise Weeks’ where the children work on raising money for worthy causes and as part of our ‘We are Week’, where each year group take on a profession and learn about how maths is used in real jobs!


Click on the link below to see Maths at Clockhouse in action:

Click on the link below to see our Maths Newsletter:
