As required by law, we reconstituted our Governing Body in March 2015. We thought long and hard about how many Governors we required and what skills were needed to deliver our core roles of:
We decided that we could become more effective if we reduced our Governing Body in size from 18 to 13 Governors.
The work of the Governing body is wide-ranging and there are, therefore, committees which have specific areas of work delegated to them. These committees meet termly and, where appropriate, report back to the full Governing body meeting for ratification of their decisions. Clockhouse has four committees; these are Full Governors, Finance & Resources, Standards & Achievement, and Human Resources. A brief description of the remit of the committees are as follows:
Full Governors – all governors are members. Meetings are termly. This looks at the 'big picture' for the school, agrees the overall long term vision and the shorter term priorities for how we want Clockhouse to develop.
Finance & Resources - sets the budget and then monitors expenditure, Staffing Matters and recruitment, and Health and Safety.
Quality of Education - looks at progress data of children and groups to ensure that every child is achieving their full potential and the quality of teaching and learning is improving. Monitors the curriculum, its intention, how it is implements and the impact it has. The committee also monitors appropriate policies. This committee meets half termly to extend a particularly keen eye on children's progress and our curriculum offer.
Human Resources - looks at all staffing matters from recruitment to performance management and staff development. Sets the Pay Policy,
Additionally individual Governors also take responsibility for monitoring different themes or subjects and report back to the Full Governing Body.
As a Governing Body we are proud of our school and are always eager to talk to individuals who may be interested in becoming a Governor at Clockhouse. If you need to contact any of the School Governors – please do not hesitate to do so via the School Office.
Mrs Melanie Ferriera
Chair of Governors