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Foundation Stage 2

Welcome to Reception


Reception is an exciting year to be a part of, it is also known as The United Kingdom! Like every Year Group at Clockhouse, we have a fun-filled, creative curriculum to excite and inspire the children of the year group. Our teachers work hard to ensure that we make the learning in Reception exciting and memorable. Our teachers are Mrs Johns and Mrs Everingham (Scotland), Miss Fisher (Northern Ireland) and Mrs Bradshaw (Wales). We also have a number of other adults who help us learn, make progress and be the best that we can be.


Our exciting lessons are linked to the Clockhouse Curriculum and using our topics we also have the opportunity to develop and improve our English and Maths skills. During Reception we will be learning through the exciting themes of Our Community, Colour and Light, animals and their habitats, Once upon a time, how plants grow and Travel! At the start of each new topic we have a stunning starter activity which helps us to get involved in the new theme and motivated to learn. At the end of each topic we have a fabulous finish where we celebrate our learning throughout the topic. We often invite our parents in as this gives us the opportunity to share our learning in a fun and meaningful way.


During the autumn term, we learn about ‘Our Community’ and ‘Colour and Light’. As part of our topics we will be learning about our community, how we are all different, our interests, likes and dislikes, our hobbies and our home and school community. During colour and light we will be learning how people celebrate the many festivals that happen at this time of year using colour and light, how we can mix colours to make the colour we wish, light and dark and why colour is important.


During the spring term we will be learning about ‘Animals and their habitats,’ where we will learn about a vast range of animals and the places that the live, how they survive, why they need a particular habitat and other amazing facts about them. They may even come to visit us! We will also learn about ‘Once upon a time’ during the spring term where we will meet characters from the stories we love and get to know more about them!


During the summer term we will learn about ‘Growing,’ where we will find out more about how plants grow and what they need to make them grow! We will also cover the topic of ‘Travel,’ where we will learn about local, national and international travel, how and why we might travel.


During the year we will have lots of other exciting events… keep checking the website and letters home for further information.


All this sensational learning means that we enjoy our time in Reception and are ready and excited for the new challenges ahead of us in Year 1!


Please click on the link below to find out more information about what we will be learning this year:
