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Welcome to Greenland

Our Additional Resource Provision




Staff ensure that pupils with SEND, including in the resourced provision, learn the same broad and ambitious curriculum. They consider carefully where adaptations may be needed to make this happen in practice

Ofsted Inspection June 2023


What is Greenland?

Greenland is an Additional Resource Provision which is a huge and very important part of our School. This aspects of the school provides a base for children who have a diagnosis or a working diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

This area of the school provides a bespoke learning environment for children who can find it difficult to manage in a busy main stream class of 30 children. 

How is Greenland different to a mainstream classroom?

  • Greenland is a purpose-built space with rooms for whole class teaching as well as small group or individual teaching. There are also a number of calm, safe spaces for children to access.



  • Teaching is provided by a team of specialist staff.
  • All children in Greenland have a personalised learning programme to not only support their academic development but also the development of their own social and emotional regulation.



  • There are a wide range of activities used to develop speech and language and social communication.
  • There are regular visits and advice from outside agencies including Speech and Language therapists and Educational Psychologists.
  • Where appropriate, the children are supported to access mainstream classes.
  • There are opportunities to work alongside children from the school community.



How does my child get a place in Greenland?

  • Your child must have an EHCP or be in the process of obtaining one.
  • You must request a place within Greenland through the Havering Assessment and Placement team or the CAD team.
  • Your child’s case will be discussed at the next intake meeting.
  • If your child meets the criteria for consideration, then the consultation process will begin.
  • You will also be invited to visit Greenland with your child.
  • Your child will receive a visit at school (or home, if not attending an educational setting) by staff from Greenland.
  • At the end of the consultation period a decision will be made.
  • If a place is offered in Greenland, then a PCR (Person Centered Review) meeting will be arranged and you, your child (if appropriate), representatives from Greenland, your child’s current school, representatives from the CAD team and any professionals who currently work with your child will be invited to attend as well.



What do the children think?

‘Greenland is the best because the adults know how I need to be taught’

Elliot (age 10)


'Greenland is good for children with Autism  because you make a lot of friends and people understand you'

Jah-Kai (age 8)


'Greenland is a fun place where we do our learning'

Harlie (age 7)


What do the parents / carers think?

'The support that we have received since joining Greenland and Clockhouse is immense . The school is innovative in its approach but with consultation and involvement of parents and carers alike.
Communication is key for us and we are kept up to date with progress reports which allow us to make an informed decision with discussion and agreement between us and teachers etc , as to the best way forward for both educational and     emotional support as needed. We would highly recommend Clockhouse and Greenland. We have found everyone approachable and they operate an “open door “ policy’

Karen (Parent)


'Since joining Greenland 8 months ago, I have seen a huge difference in my son's regulation.
They have the appropriate things in place to both manage his negative behaviours, and to help him reflect on them afterwards.
The biggest thing for me as a parent is that the emphasis is on social and emotional development before academics. Through tackling his social and emotional difficulties, the academic learning has naturally followed as he is more comfortable, and as such he is now progressing academically too.
I am so happy with the communication between the Greenland staff and parents. We get at least one message a day and are told how our child's day has been, and what to prepare them for the following day.
Work is referred to as 'learning' which I think changes the children's mindset and approach to the task.
Finally my son is progressing, has made friends, and feels part of a class that are similar to him and understand him'

Sam (Parent)


