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#ourclockhousefamily Welcome to our school! Are you looking for a place in 2025 (Nursery or Reception) - book on one of our tours!

Weekly reminders for week beginning 9th January 2023

Welcome Back!
A huge thank you for your understanding and kind words following the sudden change to the reopening of the school last week. We all look forward to seeing everyone bright and early tomorrow and to hear about holidays and adventures. 
Please ensure that all the children return to school with all the necessary equipment they require - water bottles, coats, reading books and diaries and anything else they need. Please can we also remind you of the importance of full school uniform / PE uniform and that this along with coats are clearly named. PE will start again from tomorrow.
Please remember that all clubs resume this week.
Year 5 - Japan Swimming
Please be aware that Japan's swimming sessions resume on Monday.
Is your child, or a child you know due to start Nursery or Reception in September 2023
We are looking forward to welcoming prospective parents / carers into school on Thursday 12th January at 10.00am. We can accommodate those looking for Nursery or Reception places on the tours. Please call the school to book this or a tour later in the term. Places on each tour are limited and are filling up quickly.
Please remember that applications for Reception 2023 need to be submitted by 15th January. Even if you child attends our Nursery you MUST still apply. This is done through the Local Authority website.
Things to be aware of
For those having school dinners, we will be starting on Week 1. The link to the menu can be seen below: 
Letters that went out before the holiday:
The following letters went out last week:
Trip to Greenwich (Year 5)
Have a good week everyone!
Mrs Savidge