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Weekly reminders for week beginning 8th July 2019

Thank you to the parents and families who joined us on Monday last week for the Celebration Assemblies of Argentina and Northern Ireland we are sure you will agree they were a lovely occasion.


Thank you all for your support with last weeks Sponsored Walk. It was lovely to see so many families join their children on the field. Please remember to send sponsor money and forms into school as soon as possible.


We certainly have a busy week ahead of us and are looking forward to welcoming many of you to Clockhouse during the coming week.


Peru and Wales

Peru and Wales perform the last of this years Celebration Assemblies on Monday, we look forward to seeing many of you there to celebrate all the learning that they have done so far this year. The assemblies promise to be a wonderful occasion if the efforts that the children have put into practising are anything to go by. 

Peru - 9.05am (Key Stage 2 Hall)

Wales - 2.50pm (Key stage 1 Hall)


Annual Reports to Parents

The children will be coming home with their reports on Monday. Please do take the time to return the feedback form and the questionnaire as your views are important to us and only help us to improve.


Year  4

Year 6 are off the Metro Bank on Monday. Please ensure that consent forms and money are returned on Monday if you have not done so already.



Year  6

Year 6 are off the Southend on Tuesday for a day of fun. Please ensure that consent forms and money are returned on Monday if you have not done so already.


School Nurse Drop In

Should you wish to speak to the School Nurse she will be available for you to 'drop in' on Tuesday  2.30pm - 3.30pm. Please come to the Key Stage 2 Office.



For those of you attending, do not forget the Sports Presentation Evening at 7pm on Tuesday evening. This will be followed by the PE Leaders reward day at the YMCA on Wednesday. Please send in consent forms if you have not done so already.


Letters that went out last week:

The following letters went out last week:

Invites to Celebration Assembly (Peru and Wales)

Sun reminders (Nursery and Reception)I

Metro Bank Trip (Year 4)

Classes for next year

School Dinner Increase


Have a good week everyone!
