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Weekly reminders for week beginning 7th June 2021

Welcome back to the second half of the Summer Term everyone!


We all hope that you have had a fantastic Half Term Holiday and enjoyed some time with family and friends!
As you are aware we are back to school tomorrow (7th June) and are looking forward to seeing everyone bright and early at the staggered times (same as prior to the holiday)! As always our focus on attendance and punctuality continues so do please make sure that the children arrive on time everyday (at their allotted times)!
Once again, please can we ask that children come to school in full school uniform and full school PE Kit on PE Days. Thank you in advance for your support and please speak to us if there are any problems. 
Well done to all those who took part in the Science poster competition prior to the holidays. There were some great entries. The winners will be announced this week.
Following the success of the 'A week in the life of...' videos, we will be doing more of these over the course of the term - watch out for them! If you have not yet seen it, you can view 'A week in the life of Year 2' by clicking on the link below:
Celebration Assemblies
Well done to Spain and South Africa for their Celebration Assemblies last week. We hope you enjoyed them from a far.
Good luck to Uganda and France who continue our programme of Celebration Assemblies. Teachers will post these on Class Story / Google Classroom for you to see!
Year 3
The Year 3 children will be continuing with their learning about The Greeks with a Greek Day on Tuesday - we look forward to seeing some fabulous costumes. 
Year 6
Year 6 will be Zooming with TfL on Wednesday morning. This is always an informative session for the children as we look to their transistion to secondary school.
Parent Council
Following the success of the Parent Council Meeting prior to the holiday, the next meeting is this Thursday (10th June). As you may be aware we have our own Parents’ Council which throughout its time has been run by parents for parents, chaired by one of our school Governors, Marcus Giddy. 
Please do join the Parent Council meeting, this Thursday,  if you can by following the Zoom link below (please join with your child's name and class).

Thursday 10th June at 9:15am
Is you child joining Reception in September?
Please remember that there is a Zoom meeting for all those parents / carers who have children joining Reception in September on Thursday (10th June).
Scotland - 10am
Northern Ireland - 1pm
Wales - 1pm
Please see the letter that was sent to you for further information and the Zoom link.
If you have any questions please speak to the Nursery staff or the school office. We look forward to seeing you.
Euro 2021
With the Euro's starting this week, Clockhouse will be getting into the spirit and hosting and Euro's Day on Friday (11th June) as per the letter which went out before the holiday. Teachers should by know have told you what colours your class need to wear, linked to the country they were drawn in the draw before the holiday. We look forward to seeing lots of colour on Friday.
Don't forget to collect those sponsors for Clockhouse the Miles #trytobeatthepye. The money we raise is going towards three very worthy causes. Please help us help the children! 
Coming out this week
Look out for our next episode of 'A week in life of...' coming out this week.
Letters that went out last week:
The following letters went out last week:
Clock the Miles #trytobeatthepye
Have a good week everyone!
Stay safe team Clockhouse!
Mrs Savidge