It was lovely to see everyone back at school last week and hear about their half term holiday. Thank you also to all those that attended Parents Evening, it was lovely to see you all. If you have not yet managed to meet with your child's teacher please do speak to them to make arrangements for this to happen this week.
We hope that the children came home last week talking about our new school rules - Ready, Respectful, Responsible. Please do talk to them about this. More information around our new approach will be coming out to you in the near future.
Best of British Week
This week we will be celebrating Britain and the British Culture as per the letter that came out last week. We have lots of exciting things planned and are really looking forward to the street party on Friday 10th November as part of this. The children can come dressed in red, white and blue on this day if they wish.
Amazing Attendance and Perfect Punctuality
This week is our termly focus Attendance Week. Please make every effort to ensure that your child is in school everyday and on time! We really do need to work together to improve the children's attendance across the school. Together we CAN DO IT! What will the reward be this time and who will win?
Year 1
Year 1 are looking forward to welcoming a number of Birds of Prey on Monday. This is a lovely experience for the children. Please do send in contributions if you have not done so already. Without these contributions such experiences would not be possible for the children.
Year 5
We look forward to welcoming our Year 5 parents for Learn with my Child on Thursday morning at 9.30am - 11.45. Please come for as little or as much as you can. As with the other year groups, regrettably we are unable to accommodate younger siblings at these events.
School Photographs
Following the letter that came out last week, please remember that individual school photographs will be taken on Tuesday 7th November. Children who have brothers and sisters in school will also have the family photos taken during the day. However, if you wish to your children photographed with children who do not attend the school there is the opportunity to have this done on before school on Tuesday. Please go the Key Stage 2 hall from 8am.
Good luck to the football team who play Newtons away on Tuesday.
Letters that went out last week:
The following letters went out last week:
Tricky Words (Reception)
Learn with my Child (Year 5)
Amazing Attendance and Perfect Punctuality Week
Best of British Week
School Photographs
Have a good week everyone!