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Weekly reminders for week beginning 5th September 2022

 Welcome back to the new school year everyone!!
We all hope that you have had and are still having a fantastic Summer Holiday and enjoyed lots of time with family and friends. We are looking forward to hearing about all your adventures and have loved seeing what you have all been up to.

As you are aware the staff were back at school last week getting the school ready for the children's return. We are very much looking forward to welcoming the children from Year 1 to Year 6 tomorrow with Nursery and Reception following in due course. We hope that you are all excited to return. As far as arrangements are concerned, everything will remain as it was prior to the Summer Holiday.
Please do remember that correct School Uniform and PE Uniform should be worn on the appropriate days. All children should wear normal school uniform on Monday.
Walking Home (Year 4 to Year 6)
Those children in Year 4 to 6 who had permission to leave classrooms on their own last year will be allowed to leave as they did last term for Monday and Tuesday, unless we are told otherwise. A new permission letter will be coming home on Monday, the new list will take effect from Wednesday 7th September.
Welcome Back Week
This week is Welcome Back Week where the children will be concentrating on the basic skills they will need to make this year as successful as possible for them.
Rock Star Friday
Please remember that Friday is Rock Star Day. Children in Year 1 to Year 6 are invited to come into school dressed as Rock Stars as per the letter which came out before the Summer Holiday. This is part of our drive to further raise standards in maths.
Welcome to our Reception children who all start on Wednesday, following Stay and Play on Tuesday. We look forward to welcoming the children and their families to Clockhouse and you joining Our Clockhouse Family.

Meet the Teacher
As many of you know, normally during this time we hold short 'Meet the Teacher' sessions. We are currently thinking about how this will look this year and will communicate this with you in the near future. 
Online Reading and Maths resources to use at home
Please remember that Spelling Shed, Times Table Rock Stars and SumDog, the online programmes that we subscribe to, are available for the children. If you cannot remember your password please speak to your child’s class teacher who will be able to reissue it to you .
Class Dojo
If you have not yet signed into Class Dojo please ask your class teacher for your login details. If you have a new phone or device and need the password again to access the Dojo please also ask, it really is  such a helpful and valuable communication tool for us and you as well as a way of celebrating your children's achievements in school. Following the success of last year, we will only be sending home paper letters in exceptional circumstances and we are sure you do not want to miss anything. 
Home Learning
Following your feedback at the end of last term, we have made the decision to continue with Home Learning being set on Google Classroom. Please be advised that Home Learning returned on Google Classroom by Wednesday will be marked by teachers. If it is sent in after this time we cannot guarantee is will be marked. We also cannot guarantee Home Learning sent on Class Dojo will get marked as it can be easily missed. We therefore ask for Home Learning to be sent in on Google Classroom. We will review our approach at Christmas.
Important Dates
The calendar on the school website has now been updated with many of the dates for the Autumn Term.
Please go to the school website and click on Calendar Dates.
Once again welcome back everyone, here is to another successful year at Clockhouse Primary!
We cannot wait to see our Clockhouse Family!
Have a good week everyone!
Mrs Savidge