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Weekly reminders for week beginning 5th October 2020

Another good week was had at Clockhouse last week with another busy week coming up.
World Mental Health Day
On Friday we will be supporting World Mental Health Day. This is a charity close to the school's heart and for a small donation, we ask that the children come to school in non-uniform including something yellow - this can be a small as a hair clip, a pattern on socks etc. If your child has PE on Friday, their class teacher will have told you which day they can support this worthwhile cause instead of Friday. Thank you in advance for your support.

School Closure
Please do not forget that Friday 23rd October is a staff training day and therefore the school will be closed to children.
Hot School Dinners
A number of you have expressed the desire for us to provide hot school dinners for the children and we are currently working with the kitchen staff to proivde this. Due to the fact we cannot mix bubbles we are unable to use the canteen for lunchtime, therefore we are currently investigating a possible hot menu offer which can be brought to classes for the children to have whilst not compromising the quality of the food. We are aiming to have this in place for after half term. Please bear with us!
Thank you once again for your support last week and since the start of the term. This would be truely impossible without this.
As you may have seen we have developed a Frequently Asked Questions on our website as a point of reference for you all. Please follow the link below should you wish to view this:
Just as a reminder, please be aware, should your child or anyone in your household develop symptoms of Coronavirus - a temperature of 37.8 or above (this is in line with Government guidance), a loss of taste or smell or a continuous cough, your child must NOT come to school. As a family you will all need to isolate and get a test for the person who has symptoms only. Tests can be booked using the link below:
Other than for the above reason, or your child is too unwell to attend school, they should come to school everyday. If you are unsure, please ask.

Letters that went out last week:
The following letters went out last week:
September Newsletter
World Mental Health Day

As always we thank you for your continued support in all we do.

Have a good week everyone!

For more information about our school please visit our school website using the following link: