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Weekly reminders for week beginning 4th March 2019

We hope that the children enjoyed We are... week and all the different activities. They certainly proved to be fantastic Clockhouse ambassadors and were highly commended by school staff throughout the week as well as members of the community. Thank you also for the great costumes, the children certainly seemed inspired and enjoyed our We are Clockhouse Festival on Friday!


Thank you all for your attendance at Parents Evening. The teachers enjoyed meeting with you and your child and discussing their progress etc. This partnership is so valuable in ensuring that every child is enabled and supported both at home and school to be the best that they can be.


Amazing Attendance and Perfect Punctuality

This week is our termly focus Attendance and Punctuality Week. Please make every effort to ensure that your child is in school everyday and on time! We really do need to work together to improve the children's attendance across the school. Together we CAN DO IT!


World Book Day

As we are sure you are already aware it is World Book Day on Thursday. For this we have asked that the children come to school dressed as a book character of their choice. Any questions please ask your child's class teacher.


Parent Council

The Parent Council will be meeting on Thursday morning at 9. If you wish to come along to find out more about what they do or ask any questions, please come to the Key Stage 2 office and join them.


Greenland Trip

Greenland are off to Barleylands on Friday.



Good luck to the Year 3 and 4 Tag Rugby team who have a competition on Tuesday. Also good luck to the boys Football Team who play La Salette at home on Wednesday - all support welcome!


Letters that went out last week:

The following letters went out last week:

February Newsletter

Amazing Attendance and Perfect Punctuality Week

Book Week

Matilda Production (Year 5)

Learn with my Child (Year 3)

Steve McQueen Art (Year 3)


Have a good week everyone.
