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Weekly reminders for week beginning 4th February2019

As the last two weeks of the half term approach we have another busy week at Clockhouse!

Nursery and Reception

Both Nursery and Reception look forward to welcoming parents and carers this week to review the children's learning as well as carry out activities to do with Chinese New Year. Please speak to a member of staff if you are unsure of your time slot.

Year 1 and 2

The children will be taking part in a Road Safety Workshop on Tuesday. Please do take some time to talk to the children about this important safety aspect.

Year 2

We look forward to welcoming our Year 2 parents for Learn with my Child on Thursday morning at 9.10am - 11.45. Please come for as little or as much as you can. As with the other year groups, regrettably we are unable to accommodate younger siblings at these events.

Year 5

Year 5 are off to Bower Park on Wednesday afternoon to watch their very impressive High Flyers show. We will also be taking part on Thursday evening.


Key Stage 2 Choir

We are very pleased that the Key Stage 2 Choir are once again off to sing at the O2. On Monday they will join with thousands of other children from London to take part in the Young Voices concert. A very exciting opportunity.

Special Dinner Day

We have another special dinner day on Tuesday to celebrate Chinese New Year.

Safer Internet Day

Tuesday is national Safer Internet Day and the children will be learning about this in school. Please do take the time to talk to them about this very important subject.


Forest Schools

Some of you will have received a letter last week inviting your child to take part in this round of Forest Schools. Please do send the slip back ASAP and we look forward to seeing you at the meeting after school on Tuesday.



Good luck to the Girls Football Team who take part in two competitions next week.


Letters that went out last week:

The following letters went out last week:

January Newsletter

Operation Encompass

Learn with my Child (Nursery, Reception and Year 2)

Bower Park trip (Year 5)


Have a good week everyone.
