We hope you are all enjoying the Bank Holiday and having a longer weekend. We look forward to seeing you back at school tomorrow (Tuesday).
Celebration Assemblies
Well done to Mexico and China for their Celebration Assemblies. These continue next week due to the Bank Holiday.
Governor Day
We have this terms Governor Day on Tuesday. This will be via Zoom. I know the Governors cannot wait to get back into school once allowed.
Virtual Experiences
Following the success of the Virtual Experiences earlier this term, it is the turn of Year 3 on Wednesday when they will be meeting Zeus as part of their learning about The Greeks.
Number Day
As you will have seen from the letter sent out last week, on Friday, we will be joining with many other schools in the country and celebrating Number Day whilst also supporting the NSPCC. As part of Number Day, we have lots of fun activities planned and would also like to challenge the children to dress up in ‘Maths themed’ fancy dress. This could be clothing with a number or shape on it or the children could dress up as something maths related. There will be prizes for the best dressed and most creative costumes! In order to support the fantastic work that the NSPCC do, we would like to ask for a small donation on the day. There will be a money pot in the classroom for the children to add their donation to.
Letters that went out last week:
The following letters went out last week:
April Newsletter
NSPCC Number Day
Have a good week everyone!
Stay safe team Clockhouse!
Mrs Savidge