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Weekly reminders for week beginning 31st October 2022

 Welcome back to the new half term everyone!

We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school tomorrow (Monday 31st October). We hope that you all had a lovely holiday and are ready and raring to go for the new term ahead!
Important Visitors
On Tuesday morning we will be welcoming Cllr Ford (Cabinet Member for Children and Young People) and Trevor Cook (Assistant Director of Education Services) to the school. We are very honoured to welcome them and show them what the school is all about.
Parents' Evening 
Do not forget that on Wednesday and Thursday of this week it is Parents' Evening after school. Teachers have been busy making appointments for everyone, so if, as yet, you do not have an appointment please contact your child's class teacher on Monday to make arrangements for a meeting. As you know, we are offering a blended approach, so if you have not done so already, please do tell the teachers if you want a Zoom or face to face meeting.
The termly questionnaire for parents / carers came out via Class Dojo during the holiday and can be accessed using the link below 
As always we thank you for your feedback. We do appreciate that this takes time but your feedback is invaluable to us as we continually strive to improve the educational experience we provide for the children and families we serve. 
Please do allow your children to be part of the meeting so that they also know how they are doing and what they need to work on. The importance of the co-education of your child cannot be overstated.
Reception and Year 3
Reception and Year 3 will be taking part in a workshop all about Diwali on Wednesday. There is no cost to you for this and is being paid for by the school.
Year 1 and Year 4
The children in Year 1 will be welcoming the Birds of Prey on Wednesday as part of their topic all about Woodland Life. Year 4 will also be having the same experience as part of their development of their Cultural Capital.
Rock Star Day
We are very much looking forward to celebrating Rock Star Day in Friday and cannot wait to see lots of fabulous costumes. Maths heads at the ready for the children.
Special Dinner Day
To celebrate Bonfire Night we have a special dinner on Friday.
On Tuesday OCA will be selling Krispy Kreme Doughnuts (£1 per doughnut) after school. Look out for the stalls!
Things to be aware of
The week beginning 7th November is Best of British Week as well as Amazing Attendance and Perfect Punctuality Week.
Letters that went out last week:
The following letters went out last week:
Best of British Week
October Newsletter
Open Evening
New Lunchtime Menu
Special Dinner Menu - 4th November
Owl visit (Year 1 and Year 4)
Learn with my Child (Year 3 and Year 5)
Secondary School Application reminder (Year 6)
As always we thank you for your continued support in all we do.
Have a good week everyone!
Mrs Savidge