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Weekly reminders for week beginning 2nd September 2019

Welcome back to the new school year everyone!!

We all hope that you have had and are still having a fantastic Summer Holiday and enjoyed lots of time with family and friends. We are looking forward to hearing about all your adventures.



As you are aware we are back to school on Thursday (5th September) for Years 1 to 6 and are looking forward to seeing everyone bright and early! Remember that school starts promptly at 8.55am.


Please ensure that all the children return to school with all the necessary equipment they require - particularly full P.E. kits, water bottles, coats etc. Some children will be doing P.E. this week. Please can we also remind you of the importance of full school uniform and that this along with coats are clearly named.

Letters regarding the clubs that will be on offer this year will be going out next week. Those children in Year 4 to 6 who had permission to leave classrooms on their own last year will be allowed to do so on Thursday and Friday this week unless we are told otherwise. A new permission letter will be coming home on Thursday, the new list will take effect from Monday.


Once again welcome back everyone, here's to another successful year at Clockhouse Primary!


We look forward to seeing you all on Thursday and we hope you have a good last few days holiday!
