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Weekly reminders for week beginning 27th March 2023

Well, it is almost impossible to believe that we are in the final week of the Spring term and at the end of another successful term at Clockhouse. As always we thank you for your unreserved support in all that we do. I am sure you are ready for the holiday and a good break come Thursday.
Easter Bonnet Parade
The annual Easter Bonnet Parade is definitely a Clockhouse tradition for Reception and Nursery. We look forward to welcoming Reception families on Tuesday and Nursery families on Thursday to share this with us. Bonnets at the ready!
Year 2
The Year 2 children are off to the Church on Tuesday. Please ensure that consent forms are returned by Monday at the latest.
We look forward to welcoming our Year 2 parents / carers on Thursday for Learn with my Child at 9.10am - 11.45. Please come for as little or as much as you can. As with the other year groups, regrettably we are unable to accommodate younger siblings at these events.
Year 6
For those parents / carers of children attending Bournemouth, please do not forget that there is a meeting regarding final arrangements on Wednesday (29th March) at 5pm in the Key Stage 1 Hall. Your attendance really is important.
We look forward to welcoming our Greenland parents / carers on Thursday for Learn with my Child at 2pm. 
Many classes will be having their 'Winners!' attendance reward this week. This has been posted on Class Story for those who have got a reward. Please speak to Class Teachers if you have any concerns or questions.
OCA Easter Egg Roll
Please remember that on Wednesday, each class will be taking part in the OCA Easter Egg Roll. To enter your child needs to bring in £1's worth of 10p's (10 x 10p's in total). The closest coin to the egg after all have been rolled wins the egg. OCA provide a great support to the school so please do help them help us, help your children by getting involved. Thank you in advance and good luck everyone!
Letters that went out last week:
The following letters went out last week:
Learn with my Child (Year 2)
Trip to Church (Year 2)
Havering Museum Trip (Year 5)
Bournemouth Meeting (Year 6)
Swimming Letter (India) 
Please look out for the March Newsletter which will be coming out this week.

All that leaves me to do is wish you a very happy Easter and Easter holiday from us all when it arrives. The children finish school on Thursday (Friday is a staff training day) and we look forward to seeing you after the break on Monday 17th April. Enjoy lots of chocolate!
Have a good week everyone!
Mrs Savidge