Another good week was had a Clockhouse last week and as always we thank you for the support you give us with all that we do! We have another busy week ahead.
Nursery and Reception
We are looking forward to welcoming Nursery and Reception parents in throughout the week to work with their children. Please speak to your child's class teacher if you are not sure which day you are meant to come in.
Flu Immunisations
The flu immunisation team will be back in school on Monday to catch up with any flu imminisations they missed when they were here before Chirstmas.
Year 2 and 6
The children from Year 2 and Year 6 will be taking part in an online safety workshop on Wendnesday. This is a very important topic, please do take sometime to talk to the children about the day when they come home.
OCA (Our Clockhouse Association)
Our brand new Parent's Association (OCA) will be holding thier first event after school on Friday. Look out for the sweets stalls around the site on Friday after school. Sweet bags are 50p. Please do support them.
Letters that went out last week:
The following letters went out last week:
OCA Sweet Stall
Launch of School App
Trip to Thordon Country Park (Year 1)
Learn with my Child (Year 1 and Year 5)
Have a good week everyone!