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Weekly reminders for week beginning 25th September 2023

Thank you to everyone who helped us remember our much loved member of staff on Friday, I know it meant a lot to us and the family. 
The children have all settled into the year and we are certainly seeing some fabulous learning taking place across the school. As I walk around the school, it is fabulous to see them so settled and working so hard. As always, thank you for your on-going support - it really is a team effort in every sense of the word.
Thank you to all those who attended Meet the Teacher last week. It was lovely to welcome you. Thank you also to all those parents who are really supporting their children and practising the children's reading and spellings with them at home as well as number bond and times tables. Please remember every time the children read at home and you sign their Reading Record book, they get a raffle ticket and are entered into our weekly prize draw - you have to be in it to win it!
Governor Day
Our Governors will be in school on Tuesday and will be in the playground at the start and end of the day, please do take the time to speak to them should you wish to.
Harvest Festival
On Friday we will be having our annual Harvest Festival with the children. As per the letter that came out last week, we will be collecting for the Food Bank who are in great need at the moment. Please send donations in with the children and we will pass these on.
Year 6 
Please do not forget that you are invited to attend a meeting on Monday at 5pm regarding SATs and the Year 6 residential. Please come to the Key Stage 2 building. We look forward to seeing you. 
Bower Park Academy will also be visiting the Year 6 children on Thursday to discuss the transition to secondary school. 
Things to be aware of
Thank you to all those who have already had donated things for OPAL, please keep them coming.
Letters that went out last week:
The following letters went out last week:
Harvest Festival
OPAL clothes and preparation
Addititonal Funding for the School
Learn with my Child (Reception)
Non-Uniform Day (Brazil)
Condover Hall Deposit Letter (Year 5)
Please look out for the first newsletter of the new school year which will be coming out this week.
As always we thank you for your continued support in all we do.
Have a good week everyone!
Mrs Savidge