It was lovely to welcome the children and families back to school last week and hear all about the holidays that had been had. We hope that children had a good week back and talked positively about their learning. As always thank you for your on-going support in terms of the children's education but also for sticking to the rules and doing your bit to help keep everyone safe.
Celebration Assemblies
As many of you know, this term we would normally be looking forward to welcoming families to the Celebration Assemblies for Reception through to Year 5, which provide us with a chance to show you even more of what goes on in the daily life of Clockhouse.
Sadly and obviously due to the current situation, this will not be possible. However, in order to give the children the opportunity to show case and celebrate all their fabulous learning they will still be doing their Celebration Assemblies to each other. Class teachers will then send out a version of this to parents and carers via Class Dojo so keep a look out for this.
Good luck to Mexico and China who get this started this week!
Monday 3rd May
Please rememeber that Monday 3rd May is May Day and therefore the school will be closed. We will be back to normal on Tuesday 4th May.
Look out for the April Newsletter coming out this week
Have a good week everyone!
Stay safe team Clockhouse!
Mrs Savidge