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Weekly reminders for week beginning 24th April 2023

It was lovely to welcome the children and families back to school last week and hear all about the holidays that had been had. We hope that children had a good week back and talked positively about their learning. They settled so quickly to their learning and their behaviour was so impressive in all aspects of school life! As always thank you for your on-going support you give to us each and every day.
Year 5
We all hope that Year 5 have a fabulous time at Condover Hall. Please remember to meet your group leader in the canteen on Wednesday morning. The children will be departing at 10am promptly if you wish to wave them off. Updates about the trip will be on the school blog, dojo and website etc.
If your child is not going to Condover Hall, please ensure that the children come to school at normal time. 
Governor Day
Our Governors will be in school on Tuesday and will be in the playground at the start of the day, please do take the time to speak to them should you wish to.
School Nurse Drop In
Should you wish to speak to the School Nurse she will be available for you to 'drop in' on Tuesday 2.30pm - 3.30pm. Please call the Key Stage 2 Office to book a slot or just drop in.
Strike Action
Please be aware of the letter that was sent out on Friday regarding strike action on Thursday of this week.  On Thursday the following classes will be closed:


  • France – Mrs Nelder-Marsh
  • Peru – Mr Bruce
  • South Africa - Mrs Fletcher
Thank you for your support in this matter and for respecting the teacher's decision. 
Good luck to the Year 3 and 4 Tri Golf team who take part in the borough competition on Tuesday afternoon and the Year 1 Football Team who have a competition on Wednesday.
Monday 1st May
Please remember that Monday 1st May is May Day and therefore the school will be closed. We will be back to normal on Tuesday 2nd May (unless classes are not in due to the strike).
Letters that went out last week:
The following letters went out last week:
Celebration Assembly Dates
PE Kit Expectations
Plans for the Coronation
NEU Strike
Stayers (Year 5)
Athens v Sparta Day (Year 3)
Church Visit (Year 1)
Southend Visit (Year 1)
Look out for the April Newsletter coming out this week.
Have a good week everyone!
Mrs Savidge