After the last few busy weeks, we have a quieter week at school this week as we gear up to what we hope will be another memorable Clockhouse Christmas (watch out for more information).
England Football Match
We ask that children come to school in normal school uniform tomorrow. Should the children want to watch the match, we are aiming to have it on in classes whilst they are working.
School Nurse Drop In
Should you wish to speak to the School Nurse she will be available for you to 'drop in' on Tuesday 2.30pm - 3.30pm. Please call the Key Stage 2 Office to book a slot or just drop in.
Year 2 and Year 4
We look forward to welcoming our Year 2 and Year 4 parents for Learn with my Child on Wednesday morning (Year 4) and Thursday morning (Year 2) at 9.30am - 11.45. Please come for as little or as much as you can. As with the other year groups, regrettably we are unable to accommodate younger siblings at these events.
Year 4
Year 4 are looking forward to welcoming a Rabbi to school on Wednesday afternoon to support their learning about Judaism.
Is your child, or a child you know due to start Reception in September 2023
We are looking forward to welcoming prospective parents / carers into school on Thursday 24th November either at 10.00am or 4.00pm. Please call the school to book this or a tour later in the term. Places on each tour are limited. Please spread the word.
Good luck to the Boccia team who will be representing the school on Friday in a Borough Competition.
Letters that went out last week:
The following letters went out last week:
Term Dates 2023-2024
Scarlet Fever
Learn with my Child (Year 2 and Year 4)
Egyptian Day (Year 4)
Santa Letters (OCA)
Christmas Disco (OCA)
Have a good week everyone!
Stay safe team Clockhouse!
Mrs Savidge