Happy Mother's Day to everyone celebrating today, we hope you all have a wonderful day!
Well done to all those who took part in Comic Relief and helped us raise money for this worthwhile charity. I will of course communicate the final amount with you in due course. Everyone certainly looked fabulous in red and there were a few heroes amongst us!
Here is to another good week ahead!
We are looking forward to welcoming Nursery parents on Monday and Thursday for Learn with My Child.
Year 5
Year 5 have Miles to Mole visiting virtually for a workshop on Tuesday. Please do take the time to talk to the children about this when they get home.
Some of Year 5 children are off to London on Friday to take part in The Brilliant Club. This is a really exciting opportunity. Individuals has already had letter have been sent out for this.
Year 6
Year 6 are off to Bower Park Academy on Thursday to watch a drama show. If you have not returned consent forms, please do so by Tuesday at the latest.
School Nurse Drop In
Should you wish to speak to the School Nurse she will be available for you to 'drop in' on Tuesday 2.30pm - 3.30pm. Please call the Key Stage 2 Office to book a slot or just drop in.
Group Photos
Please be aware that class group photos will be being taken on Wednesday - uniform and best smiles at the ready! If your class has PE on Wednesday, Class Teachers will let you know the change of day for PE for this week via Class Dojo.
Things to be aware of
School closes for the Easter Holiday on 30th March. We will look forward to welcoming everyone back on Monday 17th April.
Letters that went out last week:
The following letters went out last week:
Class Photos
End of term dates reminder
Learn with my Child (Nursery)
Easter Parade (Nursery and Reception)
Have a good week everyone!
Stay safe team Clockhouse!
Mrs Savidge