Welcome back to the new school year everyone!!
We all hope that you have had and are still having a fantastic Summer Holiday and enjoyed lots of time with family and friends. We are looking forward to hearing about all your adventures.
As you are aware the staff are back at school tomorrow (Wednesday) with the children from Year 1 to Year 6 returning on Thursday and Nursery and Reception following in due course. Tomorrow the staff will be busy training and getting the school ready for the children's return. We really cannot wait to see you all and although probably a little apprehensive (understandably), we hope in the main families are excited to return. I do hope everyone saw the letter which was posted last week regarding times, expectations and the plans for the return. If you have not, please do look back on School Story or on the school's Facebook page where all the information can be found. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to message us.
Please do remember that correct school PE kit should be worn on the days that your child has PE. PE days will be shared with you prior to Thursday but PE will not start until next week - week beginning 6th September.
Walking Home (Year 4 to Year 6)
Those children in Year 4 to 6 who had permission to leave classrooms on their own last year will be allowed to leave this week only, unless we are told otherwise. A new permission letter will be coming home on Thursday, the new list will take effect from Monday 6th September.
Creative Arts - Peter Pan Week
Please remember that the week beginning 6th September is Peter Pan week and the children are invited to come to school in Peter Pan themes dress on Friday 10th September.
Important Dates
The calendar on the school website has now been updated with many of the dates for the Autumn Term.
As you will see we have planned for a more ‘normal’ term but please be aware that dates / events with TBC added to them, are subject to change depending of Government and Local Authority guidance which is obviously changing all of the time. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Once again welcome back everyone, here's to another successful year at Clockhouse Primary!
We cannot wait to see our Clockhouse Family!
Have a good week everyone!
Mrs Savidge