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Weekly reminders for week beginning 1st March 2021

Good morning Clockhouse
Here we are at Week 8 of Home Learning but as you all know this is the final week before we welcome all the children back so school next Monday (8th March). We honestly cannot wait to get some normality back and welcome our Clockhouse family back but we still do have one week left of Remote Learning – can we make it the best yet? Of course we can!
We are very much looking forward to seeing you back on Zoom on Monday as well as being on Google Classroom and Class Dojo. All Zoom times remain the same as do the rules and expectations. The engagement on Zoom sessions was excellent again last week with 90% of children accessing live learning and 94% of children accessing remote learning – well done and thank you all to your amazing commitment to the cause and to your child’s education! We could not have done this without each and every one of you! As always please remember that we are here to help you in any way that we can. If you need a call at any time just let us know. We are all here to help and make this experience as easy as possible.
Thank you for bearing with us last week whilst we planned and prepared for the return of all the children. In essence nothing will really be different from prior to Christmas but we will remind you of times, expectations etc. throughout the coming week and obviously before next Monday. 
As many of you already know, Thursday is World Book Day and we have lots of lovely activities planned which we are looking forward to sharing with you. We hope you have continued to enjoy the Masked Reader. More of these will be coming out this week with the grand reveal on Thursday. Do not forget to watch and note down who you think is behind the mask! Also look out for a poetry competition coming your way – we cannot wait to see your entries!
Home learning until Thursday of this week. On Friday staff will be in school in order to get the school ready for the children’s return and to ensure that we are ready and raring to go come the following Monday. There will only be ONE Zoom on Friday. This will be the second one of the day for each year group with the exception for Year 6 where it will be the first one.
Please, do not forget to send in your entries for the renaming of the canteen following the launch of this yesterday. Also Friday 5th March is the closing date for nomination for Parent Governor – please email these as per the nomination form.
School Uniform
Just like us, I am sure you are busy preparing for the children to return to school. We have had a number of people ask about uniform. I am pleased to inform you that Mrs Bowden's Uniform Shop will be open on Tuesday (2nd March) and Friday (5th March) between 9.30am and 2.30pm prior to the return on Monday 8th March. If you are coming to purchase uniform on these days please ensure you maintain a social distance and wear a mask (unless exempt).Please be aware that from 8th March all orders will need to be submitted via the order form along cash or cheque.
Obviously with the children returning to school on 8th March, this will be the last week of the Food Vouchers which should come out on Monday.
If you have been loaned a laptop by the school, please can you return this to school on Friday afternoon, prior to the full return to school on Monday – thank you in advance.
Please contact the school if you have any questions and we all look forward to seeing you virtually or face to face again this week. Stay safe team Clockhouse! Have the best week possible – not long now! Thank you for all you continue to do to make this hard time a little easier for us all. I am sure you would join me in thanking the fabulous staff team for all they have done as well.
#ourclockhousecommunity – and what a fabulous community you are!
Mrs Savidge