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Weekly reminders for week beginning 19th September 2022

 I am sending this today so as not to disturb you tomorrow.
Another good week was had at Clockhouse last week. Many year groups enjoyed their Stunning Starter last week and got themselves fully immersed in their new theme! We hope that children also enjoyed the Wow Drumming experience. I have to say the children have been nothing short of amazing since returning to school and we continue to be thankful to work with such a supportive community. It was lovely to welcome many of our new Nursery children to Clockhouse last week and like the rest of our new children, they have settled so well. 
As I am sure you are aware school will be closed on Monday as the world comes together for the funeral of our much loved Monarch. We look forward to seeing you back at school on Tuesday.
Meet the Teacher
Thank you to all those who came to Meet the Teacher last week. We enjoyed meeting you and hope you found it useful. Meet the Teacher continues this week. Teachers will be in classrooms straight after school and available until 4pm. Please do come and say hello and see your child's classroom. This week is as follows:
Tuesday 20th September - Reception
Wednesday 21st September - Year 1
Thursday 22nd September - Year 3
Jean's Day
Friday will be the day where we honour Mrs O'Connor with Jean’s Day. Her favourite colour was purple / lilac so we are asking our Clockhouse family to wear something of this colour in her honour along with non-uniform (PE will continue on this day). We will be taking the opportunity to raise money for the charity chosen by the family – The Christie Charity. This is a cancer charity which provides enhanced services over and above what the NHS funds can. This was a charity very dear to Jean and continues to be very important to her family. Please give donations to class teachers if you wish to donate. 
Things to be aware of
We are having a big push on tucking shirts in and taking pride in our appearance. The children are getting very good at this and thank them and you for your support in this.
Thank you to all those who have already had a look at our Amazon Wish List and sent us some items from it. We honestly cannot thank you enough. Here is the link should you wish to have a look - Amazon Wish List
Rock Star Day
Thank you for your support and understanding with the postponement of Rock Star Day, I am pleased to inform you that this has been rescheduled for Friday 4th November. 
Letters that went out last week:
The following letters went out last week:
Jean's Day
Amazon Wish List
Free School Meal Eligibility
Prospective Parent / Carer Tours
Height / Weight Check (Reception and Year 6)
Bournemouth and SATs Meeting (Year 6)
Condover Hall Meeting (Year 5)
Thorndon Country Park Visit (Year 1)
Transition Information for Reception 2023 (Nursery)
Swimming (Japan) 
Please look out for the first newsletter of the new school year which will be coming out before the end of the month     .
As always we thank you for your continued support in all we do.
Have a good week everyone!
Mrs Savidge 