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Weekly reminders for week beginning 19th April 2021

Welcome back to the Summer Term everyone! 

We all hope that you have had a fantastic Easter Holiday and enjoyed some time with family and friends following the lifting of some restrictions! We hope you also enjoyed lots of chocolate!
As you are aware we are back to school tomorrow (19th April) and are looking forward to seeing everyone bright and early at the staggered times (same as prior to the holiday)! As always our focus on attendance and punctuality continues so do please make sure that the children arrive on time everyday (at their allotted times)!
Now that we are back for a more sustained period (we hope) and shops are open, please can we ask that children come to school in full school uniform and full school PE Kit on PE Days. We were very lenient with this prior to the holiday due to the situation we were in but now need children to come dressed correctly. Thank you in advance for your support and please speak to us if there are any problems. 
Year 5
The Year 5 children will be launching their new theme all about The Victorians with a Victorian Day on Tuesday - we look forward to seeing some fabulous costumes. 
Virtual Experiences
Whilst we are unable to take the children on trips out and we are minimising people coming in, what better than give the children a virtual experience. During ther term all children in Year 1 to 6 will get this opportunity. This week Year 2 and Greenland have the Castle Ditcher Experience (Wednesday), Year 6 have the Rosa Parks Experience (Thursday) and Year 4 have a Rainforest Experience (Friday). We really hope that the children gets lots out of these.
Just some reminders as we return:
Help us, help you!
As I have said regularly, as a staff body we will do all we can to keep the children, you and ourselves safe but we do need your help. Below is set out how you can help us and I really do ask for your support and cooperation with this:
  • Please ensure that you do not send the children to school if they or anyone in the household have any Covid symptoms.
  • Please wear masks when waiting to come onto the school site and on the school site (unless exempt).
  • Please ensure that when queuing to get on site, you maintain a social distance and you do not push into queues.
  • Please continue to move when dropping off and picking up.
  • Please do not hang around at the school gates after drop off and pick up.
  • Please stick to the rules outside of school as per the Government expectations.
  • Please think carefully about how you are queuing to ensure that there is still room to walk along the pavement.
Should you get a Lateral Flow (Rapid) Test or a PCR Test?
If your child or anyone in your household has Covid symptoms - a cough, temperature or a loss / change to taste or smell you must all isolate and get a PCR test. A PCR test is for people with symptoms. A number of parents have been getting LFT tests (the ones they do at the Collier Row Library or the ones that can be ordered for families who live with school age children). These are ONLY for asymptotic testing (people without symptoms) to help reduce the spread of the virus. As a school we cannot accept LFT results as proof that your child is negative if they have Covid symptoms. 
Letters that went out last week:
The following letters went out last week:
Victorian Day - Year 5
Have a good week everyone!
Stay safe team Clockhouse!
Mrs Savidge