Good morning Clockhouse
I hope you are all well and keeping safe and the same is true for your wider families. It is so hard to believe that we are entering Week 9, I am sure for many of you this seems far longer. I suppose we can take some comfort from the Government’ announcement last week that there is some sign of things moving forward in the coming weeks and the chance that we might see some of you again sooner rather than later, but this is by no means certain.
As I said in my communication on Friday, there really is so much to think about when planning to re-open the school but that is for us to do. For you, weighing up your decision for those of you who have children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 is probably one of the hardest decisions you have had to make for your children and we as a school will very much be taking the line of we respect your decision whatever it is. We will, as always do all that we can to make the school as safe as possible but will also do all we can to continue to support those of you who choose to stay at home. What we are not going to do is make you promises that we cannot keep, that would just be foolish and we respect you too much for that. I know my letter, which was sent out on Friday, may have come across as negative, but I have been honest and open with you from the outset and this is not going to change now. As I said all of the Senior Leadership Team will be in school together (for the first time in 8 weeks) during the early part of the week and will be spending time making in-depth plans which will be shared with you in due course. We also have a team of staff ready to come in and make the school as safe as possible, including the rearrangement of classes and the removal of some furniture and equipment. As I said on Friday please be aware that schooling will look nothing like what it did before lockdown. Our utmost concern remains our children, you and the staff. Your children’s learning is of vital importance but also so is their well-being and this is a further consideration for us all.
Anyway back to this week, were things remain as what can only be described as the ‘current normal’!
We hope you enjoyed the different things that came your way during last week. A big well done to all our Rock Stars out there and obviously Rock Star Ronnie for taking part in the times table battle! Well done to the individual winners and the overall winners – the boys who did pip the girls to the post! We hope you enjoyed the workout with Mrs Everingham, we also hope you enjoyed the special video that was sent home, wasn’t it lovely! Thank you again to all those who contributed. You teachers out there are clearly doing a great job with home schooling and I have to say the children’s work that is being shared with us is impressing the teachers and myself – well done all! Keep going!
This week, the following is still the case:
There will be a small number of staff in school every day on a rota basis.
The best way to contact teachers / school staff is messaging via Class Dojo, they will be online throughout the day this week and will get back to you as soon as they can. You can also communicate with them via Google Classroom.
The school phones will only be manned between 8.00am and 3.30pm. Please do not hesitant to call, even if it is only for a chat. If we cannot talk at that moment, someone will get back to you as soon as they can. Please only use option 3 and 5, as other lines will not be manned due to the reduced work force each day.
Should your child be eligible for Free School Meals and moving forward you decide that you need support, please alert us in good time.
If you or your child does want to talk to their teacher, please do just request a call via Dojo and they will be only too happy to oblige.
We are very much looking forward to seeing all those princess and knights for the Year 2 dress up day on Monday, remember to send us pictures and have a great day. As always there will be lots more coming your way next week including another staff video at some point towards the end of the week.
Please do keep an eye on communication especially for those who have children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6, I would not want you to miss anything important and the crucial time.
Please keep sharing your pictures with us, we love seeing them and it really does brighten up our day. By sharing with us via class dojo or our other platforms, we will take this as your consent for wider sharing. If you do not want photos shared please do not send them.
We really do miss you all and truly cannot wait see you again but we really are so proud of each and every one of you. This time has made us realise even more how wonderful you are, how important you all are to us all but ultimately what a privilege we have working with such a wonderful and supportive community – thank you Clockhouse.
I am sure you will want to join with me in thanking those in our community who are front line and key workers and also our great staff team. Again we are so lucky to have such an amazing community who has pulled together during this difficult time.
Please look after yourselves and each other, and make the most of this time as a family!
We are still one community and are here for you all.
Our school – a family and a home for everyone!
Keep smiling and stay safe
Mrs Savidge