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Weekly reminders for week beginning 18th January 2021

Good morning Clockhouse
Last week was another good week at Clockhouse, obviously not as good as if we were in normal times but all the same it was very positive. We once again had a great uptake in the Zoom sessions as per the previous week although with your help we know we can increase it this week. It is so lovely to see you all and thank you so much for keeping to the rules. If you are having any difficulties joining meetings, please do let Class Teachers know and they will do all that they can to help you.
Well done to all those who have taken part in ‘Socks for Clocks’. It is lovely to see our community taking part (and beating Mr Yarrows score)! We hope you enjoyed our Friday extravaganza – ‘Feel-good Friday Fashions’. It was lovely to see so many of you getting involved and wearing what makes you happy. I hope some of the parents / carers joined in as well. This is just to mix it up a bit and give the children something to look forward to whilst doing their learning. Watch out for what next week’s ‘Feel-good Friday Fashions will be’. We hope you all enjoyed Achievement Assembly on Friday and will be looking for are next Home Learning Heroes and Hawaii Heroes come Monday. It really is a tough choice, we have so many Heroes at Clockhouse!
We do continue to ask that you do not put undue pressure on yourselves or the children at this difficult time. Please remember that whilst learning is important to keep progressing with learning and to keep some routine going, having fun is also equally important. I hope you have all had a good rest over the weekend so that you are ready to go again on Monday, week 3 here we come!
As we continue under this new regime, I wanted to keep you up to date with what it happening (although nothing has actually changed since last week):
  • Remote Learning continues this week for the majority of children. As many of you already know and have seen, unlike the last lockdown, this time there are very clear expectations on school that learning must continue and progress. We obviously cannot do this without your support and will work with you to do all that we can. Please do let us know if you need support.
  • Team Hawaii will be back in action on Monday (separate information has been sent to you about the week ahead).
  • There will be a small number of school staff in school every day.
  • The best way to contact teachers / school staff is messaging via Class Dojo, they will be online throughout the day and will get back to you as soon as they can. Class Teachers will be at home teaching remotely via Zoom at the times already given out. Links to the Zoom sessions will be sent by individual teachers. If you are having any difficulties getting on to this or Google Classroom do let us know and we will assist you.
  • The school phones will only be manned between 7.45am and 3.45pm. Please do not hesitant to call, even if it is only for a chat. If we cannot talk at that moment, someone will get back to you as soon as they can. Please only use option 3 and 5, as other lines will not be manned due to the reduced work force each day. Please call again if you do not get answered immediately.
  • We will be asking for confirmation from those critical workers who may need child care for next week. Please do keep in mind that the government are very clear that ‘you should only send your child to school if you have to, because your work is critical to the COVID-19 response. If you are able to keep your child at home, you should’. This not only helps keep children safe but also the staff.
Should you need to come onto school site, please be aware that all the rules and expectations that were in place prior to the holiday remain. Please do ensure that you keep your physical distance and that you wear masks when on school site unless you are exempt. If your children are in Hawaii, please do ensure that they are not sent into school if they themselves have symptoms of Covid or if a member of the household does. The whole household MUST isolate until tests results are received. Should you require further information, please follow the link below:
If you do not have a child in school, please do let us know if your child is unwell or a member of the household, we do still care about you all obviously and are all still part of the same community. 
Free School Meals
I hope you have all seen the information that went out yesterday (Saturday) regarding food parcels and vouchers. Please do take a look at it on Dojo – School Story if you are eligible.
Keep sending in your ‘Socks for Clocks’ videos, look out for some exciting things coming out from OCA and keep an eye out for what this ‘Feel-good Friday Fashions’ will be! We are also going need your help as Clockhouse aims to do Strictly – watch this space!
Please contact the school if you have any questions and we all look forward to seeing you virtually or face to face again this week. Whilst we do still anticipate disruption moving forward and do not know how long the current arrangements will remain, we will of course do all we can to support you and thank you for your support without which we cannot do what we are doing.
Stay safe team Clockhouse! Have the best week possible.
Mrs Savidge