What a lovely week last week was - well done to you all and thank you for all the support you continue to show us. We are lucky to work with such a wonderful community.
It is hard to believe it is the last week of this half term already - where is the time going!
Year 4 Trip
Year 4 are off to the Thames Barrier on Monday (South Africa and Kenya) and Tuesday (Uganda). We are sure they will have a great time. If you have not paid for the trip or handed the form in, please do so first thing on Monday.
Year 6
Year 6 have their Viking Day on Tuesday. We are looking forward to seeing some fantastic costumes.
We look forward to welcoming our Reception parents for Learn with my Child on Tuesday and Wednesday (please check with teachers if you are not sure which day you are due to come). As with the other year groups, regrettably we are unable to accommodate younger siblings at these events.
School Nurse Drop In
Should you wish to speak to the School Nurse she will be available for you to 'drop in' on Tuesday 2.30pm - 3.30pm. Please call the Key Stage 2 Office to book a slot or just drop in.
No Cost Uniform Shop
Our No Cost Uniform Shop will be back open on Wednesday after school in the Key Stage 1 Hall. Entry is via the Computer Room from the Key Stage 1 playground. Please be aware queuing maybe required if it gets busy. Please do come along as there is lots of uniform etc. to give away.
Natasha Brind's Bright Day
On Thursday, we invite our whole community to come to school in bright colours. It would be lovely to see parents / carers getting involved as well. This is in memory of Natasha, our much loved member of staff who sadly and very unexpectedly passed away two years ago. If you would like to donate to Cancer Research, a charity dear to Natasha and her family, please do so but there is no obligation.
Is your child, or a child you know due to start Reception in September 2022
We are looking forward to welcoming prospective parents / carers into school on Thursday 20th October either at 10.00am or 4.00pm. Please call the school to book this or a tour later in the term. Places on each tour are limited. Please spread the word.
School Closure
Please do not forget that Friday 21st October is a staff training day and therefore the school will be closed to children.
Things to be aware of
We are looking forward to meeting with you on 2nd and 3rd November for Parents' Evening. Letters to book appointments will be coming home on Monday.
Friday 4th November is our rescheduled Rock Star Day - costumes at the ready.
Help needed from parent / carer community? Your views are important to us
As we continually strive to improve Clockhouse in order to make it the best it can be for your children we are always looking to gather the views of our parent population.
We therefore ask, if you have 5 minutes to spare, that you complete the school's Parent View questionnaire which can be found on the Ofsted website by following the link below:
You can also view what other parents think of the school.
Letters that went out last week:
The following letters went out last week:
OCA Newsletter
Flu Immunisation Reminder
Natasha Brind Bright Day
Please look out for the October Newsletter coming home this week.
As always we thank you for your continued support in all we do. We would like to wish you a happy half term from us all when it gets here. We look forward to welcoming our Clockhouse Community back on Monday 31st October.
As always we thank you for your continued support in all we do.
Have a good week everyone!
Mrs Savidge