Another good week was had a Clockhouse last week and as always we thank you for the support you give us with all that we do! We have another busy week ahead.
Year 6
From Monday and throughout the week, the Year 6 children will be sitting Mock SATs tests. Please speak to your child's class teacher after the tests if you wish to know how they got on do that you can further support them at home - every bit really does help!
Governor Day
Our Governors will be in school on Tuesday and will be in the playground at the start and end of the day, please do take the time to speak to them should you wish to.
Is your child, or a child you know due to start Nursery in September 2022
We are looking forward to welcoming prospective parents / carers into school on Tuesday10.00am and 4.00pm. Please call the school to book this or a tour later in the term.
Special Dinner for all
On Thursday we have the first special dinner day of the year. It would be really good to get as many people as possible having dinner on Thursday as this determines some of our schools funding. We really do appreciate your help in this matter.
I know for us all this continues to be an anxious and difficult time. Please can I ask that should your child test positive for Covid that you alert the school straight away so that we can alert the families in the class and they can make informed decisions about advice to take.
As you many know, on Monday rules for isolation changes again. The new rules are as follows:
All people – including pupils, parents and teachers - have to isolate for a minimum of five full days after the day of a positive test before then going back to school if they have tested negative twice.
The first full day of isolation is considered to be the day following the positive test. Following the fifth full day of isolation – on the sixth day - it will be possible for people who have received two negative LFD tests on consecutive days to go back to school. People who have tested positive can now take two LFD tests on day 5 and day 6, and if both are negative and they do not have a temperature, they can end their self-isolation on day 6 and return to their education setting immediately. If either test is positive, they should continue to self-isolate until they get negative results from two LFD tests on consecutive days or until they have completed 10 full days of self-isolation, whichever is earliest
In practice it means that if a child or teacher tests positive on a Saturday, that would be considered day 0. They could then take tests on the morning of Thursday (day 5) and Friday (day 6). If they tested negative on both days and did not have a temperature they would be then able to return to school on the Friday.
I hoep this helps and makes things clear as from tomorrow. If you need help calculating days, I am more than happy to help with this.
All other rules remain the same.
Have a good week everyone!
Stay safe team Clockhouse!
Mrs Savidge