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Weekly reminders for week beginning 16th September 2019

The fantastic start to the new school year has continued this week, with the children settling well into their classes and lots of learning taking place. The children had a great time taking part in 'New Year, New Me' Week and it was lovely to welcome so many of you into school on Friday.

Thank you to all those who have also been to the Meet the Teacher sessions after school, these continue this week (see below).


Online Reading and Maths resources to use at home

Please remember that Reading Eggs, Reading Eggspress, Times Table Rock Stars and SumDog, the online programmes that we subscribe to, are available for the children. If you cannot remember your password please speak to your child’s class teacher who will be able to reissue it to you .

Class Dojo

If you have not yet signed into Class Dojo please ask your class teacher for your login details. If you have a new phone or device and need the password again to access the Dojo please also ask, it really is such a helpful and valuable communication tool for us and you as well as a way of celebrating your children's achievements in school. 


Nursery and Reception

It has been lovely to welcome all the new children to Reception this week, they certainly seem to have settled into school life quickly! We look forward to welcoming some of our Nursery children this week.


Year 5

Please be aware that China are off swimming on Monday. Please ensure that the children have the necessary kit in school with them.

Year 6

Booster Classes start this week and everyone who is invited should have had a letter. Please contact your child's class teacher is you are not sure if they should be attending. Booster classes start promptly at 8.15am so please ensure that the children are at school in time for this - thank you in advance. Please speak to your child's class teacher if you have any questions.

Please remember that Year 6 have their Roman Day on Wednesday - costumes at the ready. Please ensure contributions have been sent in.

Mr McLaughlin (Principle from Bower Park Academy) will be at school to meet with Year 6 parents / carers on Friday at 9am. Please come to the main school office to sign in.


Meet the Teacher

Thank you to all the parents who came to Meet the Teacher last week, these continue this week as follows:

Reception - Tuesday 17th September

Year 1 - Wednesday 18th September

Year 4 - Thursday 19th September


Jeans for Genes Day

As you will already know, Friday is Jeans for Genes Day, for a small contribution to this worthwhile charity the children can come to school wearing jeans on Friday. If they do not have jeans, jogging bottoms or such are fine. Please ensure though that children are suitably dressed for school, including foot wear, school rules regarding jewellery still apply.

Well-being Hub

Following the flyer which came home last week, the Well-being Hub is open to parents on Wednesday from 9-11am. Please come to the main school office to sign in.

Letters that went out last week:

The following letters went out last week:

Jeans for Genes Day

Free School Meals

Gym trial (Year 3, 4, 5 and 6)

Bower Park (Year 6)

Bournemouth Payment (Year 6)

Parents home Learning (Reception and Nursery)

Dojo Letter (Reception and Nursery)


As always we thank you for your continued support in all we do.


Have a good week everyone!
