It was lovely to welcome everyone back last week and we were pleased to hear about everyone's Christmas Holidays. Thank you for the very positive start we have made to the new term - the children were certainly returned ready and eager for learning.
Some children still do not have the necessary equipment they require - full P.E. kits, water bottles, coats, home learning, reading books and diaries and anything else they need. Please ensure these are all in school by Monday. Please can we also remind you of the importance of full school uniform and that this along with coats are clearly named.
Please remember that clubs restart this week unless you have been advised otherwise.
Please can we also take this opportunity to remind that Year Group Ready, Steady Read sessions take place on the following days:
Reception - Tuesday (8.50am)
Year 1 - Thursday (8.50am)
Year 2 - Tuesday (8.50am)
Year 3 - Friday (8.50am)
Year 4 - Wednesday (8.50am)
Year 5 - Wednesday (8.50am)
Year 6 - Friday (8.50am)
Please do come and join us.
School Nurse Drop In
Should you wish to speak to the School Nurse she will be available for you to 'drop in' on Tuesday 2.30pm - 3.30pm. Please come to the Key Stage 2 Office.
Good luck to the boys football team who kick of this year's fixture with a match against Gidea Park Primary School, this is followed by the Premier League Football Tournament on Thursday afternoon. Good luck also to the Boccia team who take part in the annual Borough Tournament on Thursday afternoon.
Letters that went out last week:
The following letters went out last week:
Natural History Museum (Year 3)
Have a good week everyone.