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Weekly reminders for week beginning 12th October 2020

It is hard to believe that we only have two weeks of this half term left - where is the time going! Well done to the whole community for all that you are doing during this time. We are so thankful for the way you have responded to the restrictions and the way as a community you have taken this so seriously in order to keep us all safe.

Thank you to you all for your support shown during Yellow Day, we will of course let you know how much we have raised in due course.
I am delighted to inform you that Jeans for Genes Day raised a fabulous £419.70. Well done to you all and thank you.

No Cost Uniform Shop
Should you have any unwanted uniform that you are willing to donate to our No Cost Uniform Shop, this would be gratefully accepted. Please place this in the blue bin by the Key Stage 1 Office. If you need uniform from the Shop, please complete your order using the link below:
Learn with my Child
As I am sure you can understand, it would be impossible for us to host Learn with my Child sessions under the current situation. However, as always we do not want to be deterred and know how much the staff, children and you all value these events. Therefore, whilst it will not be the same as sitting in the the classroom with your child, each teacher will be or has recorded a short lesson for you to watch with your child, when you wish. We hope this will give you an idea of what they are learning and how you can support them further. Each year group will receive videos over the course of the next few weeks for you to access at your leisure. We hope you find them useful. 
School Closure
Please do not forget that Friday 23rd October is a staff training day and therefore the school will be closed to children.
As always we thank you for your continued support in all we do.

Have a good week everyone!
Our school - a family and a home for everyone
Kind regards
Mrs Savidge
For more information about our school please visit our school website using the following link: