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Weekly reminders for week beginning 12th June 2023

It was lovely to welcome everyone back to school on Monday, hear about their holidays and see them excited and eager to get back to school and learning.
We have a busy week ahead!
'Go Orange' for St Francis
Following the letter sent last week, children are invited to 'Go Orange' on Monday (12th June). Please ensure slips are returned, as per the letter we will choose a section of children from this list for the photo.
Celebration Assemblies
Celebration Assemblies continue this week, please check back through School Story on Dojo or speak to class teachers if you are unsure of the date for your child's class.
We are looking forward to seeing many of you there: 
Wednesday 14th June - India (9.10am) Key Stage 2 Hall
Wednesday 14th June - Mexico (2.45pm) Key Stage 1 Hall
Friday 16th June - China (9.10am) Key Stage 2 Hall
Friday 16th June - USA (2.45pm) Key Stage 1 Hall
We look forward to welcoming you to school to celebrate with your children.
We are looking forward to welcoming Nursery parents on Monday and Thursday for Learn with My Child.
Year 1
Year 1 are very much looking forward to their Seaside experience on Monday and are looking forward to welcoming their visitors. Thank you to all those who have paid, if you have not done so already, please can we ask that you do so.
Phonic Screening
Please be aware that Year 1 will be completing their phonic screening check this week and next.
Year 4 Trip
As part of their Geography Fieldwork, Year 4 are off to the Havering Country Park on Tuesday. Please ensure permission slips are returned by Monday at the latest if you have not done so already.
Times Table Check
Please be aware that Year 4 will Times Table Check continues this week.
We look forward to welcoming our Greenland parents / carers on Friday for Learn with my Child at 2pm. 
Father's Day Sale
Following the success of the Mother's Day sale earlier in the year, the PA will be holding their Father's Day sale on Friday during school time. If you wish for your child to purchase a small gift, all gifts will be priced at £1.50 and we ask that the children being in a maximum of £3.00. Please send this into school on Friday.
Good luck to the Year 3 and 4  Cricket Team who take part in a Borough competition on Thursday.
Inset Day
Please remember that Monday (19th June) is an Inset Day. The children will return to school on Tuesday next week. 
Letters that went out last week:
The following letters went out last week:
Father's Day Sale OCA
'Go Orange' for St Francis Hospice
School Closure Day
Learn with my Child (Nursery, Year 6 and Greenland)
Celebration Assembly Invite (India, China, Mexico and USA)
Junior Citizen (Year 6)
Have a good week everyone!
Mrs Savidge