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Weekly reminders for week beginning 12th July 2021

As we begin the penultimate week of the year (can you believe it) we have another action packed week as Clockhouse, with still lots to do before the end of the term.

Thank you to everyone for the support you gave to thank the NHS. Your generosity was overwhelming and the children certainly enjoyed their tea and cake! We hope you enjoyed reading your child's school report and were proud to read about their year. Please do send the feedback sheets back if you have not done so already. Also may I take this opportunity to thank all those who completed the online questionnaire. Your feedback is certainly very valuable to us!

Following the success of the 'A week in the life of...' videos, we launched another of these last week. If you have not yet seen it, you can view 'A week in the life of Year 1' by clicking on the links below:

Monday Morning after Sunday Evening - COME ON ENGLAND!
I hear there is something special happening on Sunday evening and I suspect that many children and families might be having a late night. If this is the case and you have a house of football fans let them stay in bed a bit longer on Monday and please get them to school for 10am. We would rather have children rest and be in school ready for learning rather than absent all day or grumpy!

School will start as normal for those who want to attend at the normal time. All gates will shut as normal in the morning. If you choose to come a little later please walk down the main driveway entrance. Children who arrive by 10am will not be marked as late. Anyone arriving after 10am will be late.

Sports Day
As you already know, regrettably we cannot have parents / carers at Sports Days this year, but we do feel it is important that the children do not miss out and we will of course do all that we can to share these with you through our virtual platforms. Throughout the week the children will take part in Sports Day as follows (please ensure that they come to school in their P.E. Kit):
Monday - Year 5
Tuesday Year 1 / Year 6
(New Zealand will do their Sports Day when they return)
Wednesday - Nursery AM / Year 3
Thursday - Reception / Year 4
Friday - Year 2 / Nursery PM
We know this is not that same and thank you for your support in this matter. We are sure the children want to come home and tell you all about it, so please do ask them!

Meet the Teacher
As I am sure you are aware, last week the children met their new teacher via Zoom. We are obviously aware that many of you would also like to do this but we are unable to do this in person. Therefore, as per the letter last week, we would like to invite you to Zoom with your current teacher and your new teacher on Wednesday (15th July).

You are invited to Zoom into talk to your children's current teacher between 3.30 and 4.10 on this evening and with your child's new teacher from 4.20 - 5.00 on the same evening. Your child's current teacher will send the Zoom link to you, which will be the same for both teachers. Please be patient as you may have to be in a virtual queue whilst the teachers are talking to other parents. Please do not feel obliged to attend but the offer is there should you want it. Thank you in advance for your support and any questions please ask.

If you did not see our 'Meet the Team' video last week it can be found here:

Year 1 Seaside
On Thursday Year 1 have their seaside day, we might not be able to go to Southend this year but Southend will be coming to Clockhouse for the day.

OPAL Loose Parts Collection
Thank you to all those who brought things in for OPAL, although we have now had the big drop off, if you do have anything else that you wish to contribute, we would be only to glad to take it from you.

Letters that went out last week:
The following letters went out last week:
End of term arrangements

Coming out this week
Look out for our last episode of 'A week in life of...' coming out this week.

Have a good week everyone!
Stay safe team Clockhouse!
Mrs Savidge
