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Weekly reminders for week beginning 11th October 2021

It is hard to believe that we only have two weeks of this half term left - where is the time going! Well done to the whole community for all that you are doing during this time which is difficult. I really do appreciate your understanding when you get a letter from me alerting you of a case in the class. This is not easy for anyone but your understanding is so gratefully appreciated. 

Thank you to you all for your support shown during Yellow Day, we will of course let you know how much we have raised in due course. Thank you also to all of those who showed their support for the school on Thursday by having a school dinner! 
Year 6
On Wednesday, Mr Deen, the Principal of Bower Park Academy, along with one of the Assistant Principal will be visiting Year 6 to talk to them about their transition to Secondary School.
No Cost Uniform Shop
Should you have any unwanted uniform that you are willing to donate to our No Cost Uniform Shop, this would be gratefully accepted. Please place this in the blue bin by the Key Stage 1 Office. If you need uniform from the Shop, please complete your order using the link below:
The 'shop' will also be open the last Wednesday of the month, please do come and visit! It is next open on Wednesday 20th October. 
School Closure
Please do not forget that Friday 22nd October is a staff training day and therefore the school will be closed to children.
Letters that went out last week:
The following letters went out last week:
Sweet Stall - OCA
Diwali Workshop (Reception and Year 3)
As always we thank you for your continued support in all we do.
Have a good week everyone!
Stay safe team Clockhouse!
Mrs Savidge