It was lovely to welcome everyone back to school last week and we were pleased to hear about everyone's Christmas Holidays. Thank you for the very positive start we have made to the new term - the children certainly returned ready and eager for learning. Thank you also for your continued understanding during this tricky time. We can only hope that things will get easier.
Some children still do not have the necessary equipment they require - water bottles, coats, home learning, reading books and diaries and anything else they need. Please can we also remind you of the importance of full school uniform and full school PE kit and that this along with coats are clearly named.
Please remember that clubs restart this week unless you have been advised otherwise.
Is your child, or a child you know due to start Nursery or Reception in September 2022
We are looking forward to welcoming prospective parents / carers into school on Thursday 13th January at 10.00am. We can accomodate those looking for Nursery or Reception places on all three tours. Please call the school to book this or a tour later in the term. Places on each tour are limited and are filling up quickly.
Have a good week everyone!
Stay safe team Clockhouse!
Mrs Savidge