Another good week was had a Clockhouse last week and as always we thank you for the support you give us with all that we do at all times!
Dentist Checks
The dental team will be in school on Monday to carry out the dental checks for children in Reception and Year 1.
Strike Action
Further to the letter sent last week, please be aware that classes France and Peru will be closed to children on Wednesday. All other classes will be open and children in these classes are expected to attend as normal. Thank you for your understanding and support at this time.
We look forward to welcoming our Reception parents for Learn with my Child on Thursday and Friday (please check with teachers if you are not sure which day you are due to come). As with the other year groups, regrettably we are unable to accommodate younger siblings at these events.
OCA (Our Clockhouse Association)
We are very excited that the postponed disco from before Christmas will be going ahead after school on Wednesday. Children in France and Peru can still attend.
OCA are also busy planning their Spring and Summer events. If you would like to join the OCA Team at any point, please speak to Mr Koten or let the office know who will pass a message to him.
Good luck to the Year 5 and 6 Tag Rugby team who are taking part in a Borough competition on Thursday.
Things to be aware of
Please remember that all up and coming trips etc. can be paid on sQuid or via the school office. We really do value and need your contributions for such events to go ahead. Thank you in advance.
Letters that went out last week:
The following letters went out last week:
NEU Strike Action
Keep an eye out for the January Newsletter!
Have a good week everyone!
Stay safe team Clockhouse!
Mrs Savidge