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#ourclockhousefamily Welcome to our school!

Weekly reminders for week beginning 18th March 2024

Well done to all those who took part in Comic Relief and helped us raise money for this worthwhile charity. I will of course communicate the final amount with you in due course. Everyone certainly looked fabulous in red!
Here is to another good week ahead!
Year 2
We look forward to welcoming our Year 2 parents / carers on Friday for Learn with my Child at 9.10am - 10.10am. Please come for as little or as much as you can. As with the other year groups, regrettably we are unable to accommodate younger siblings at these events.
Year 6
Do not forget - Booster classes start for Year 6 on Tuesday.
Year 6 are off to Docklands on Thursday to support their learning about World War 2. Please ensure consent forms and contributions are returned by Monday if you have not done so already.
Travelling Book Fair
The Travelling Book Fair arrives at Clockhouse this week and will be open to families to browse and buy after school on Thursday, Friday and next Monday after school. This will be in the Key Stage 1 hall. Please do take a look. Please remember the book fair is cashless, should you wish to make a purchase.
School Nurse Drop In
Should you wish to speak to the School Nurse she will be available for you to 'drop in' on Tuesday 2.30pm - 3.30pm. Please call the Key Stage 2 Office to book a slot or just drop in.
Group Photos
Please be aware that class group photos will be being taken on Wednesday - uniform and best smiles at the ready! If your class has PE on Wednesday, Class Teachers will let you know the change of day for PE for this week via Class Dojo.
Good luck to the Year 1 Sports Hall Athletics Team who are off to represent the school on Thursday in the Borough competition.
Things to be aware of
School closes for the Easter Holiday on 27th March (28th March is a Staff Training Day). We will look forward to welcoming everyone back on Monday 15th April. 
Letters that went out last week:
The following letters went out last week:
Parent Pay
Class Photo reminder
End of term dates
Learn with my Child (Nursery, Reception, Year 2)
Havering Museum Trip (Year 5)
PSHE Learning (Year 5 and 6)
Swimming (India - Year 5)
Have a good week everyone!
Mrs Savidge