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Weekly reminders for week beginning 3rd June 2024

Welcome back to the second half of the Summer Term everyone! 

We all hope that you have had a fantastic Half Term Holiday and enjoyed some time with family and friends!
As you are aware we are back to school tomorrow (3rd June) and are looking forward to seeing everyone bright and early! As always our focus on attendance and punctuality continues so do please make sure that the children arrive on time everyday!
Once again, please can we ask that children come to school in full school uniform and full school PE Uniform on PE Days. Thank you in advance for your support and please speak to us if there are any problems. 
Amazing Attendance and Perfect Punctuality
This week is our termly focus Attendance and Punctuality Week. Please make every effort to ensure that your child is in school everyday and on time! We really do need to work together to improve the children's attendance across the school and need your help to do so. Together we CAN DO IT! Look out for the daily updates! Who will win the top prize?
Enterprise Week (Reception - Year 6)
This week we once again embark on what has now become one of our Clockhouse Traditions, it is ENTERPRISE WEEK! The children will be busy creating their enterprise ideas and all those budding entrepreneurs out there will be marketing their products during the week. Enterprise Day will be Thursday 6th June. Please do not forget to send the children in with a little bit of money to make their purchases. A letter came out about this prior to the holidays.
Year 2 
Year 2 are off to Colchester Castle on Monday. If you have not yet sent in money and consent forms please ensure this is done on Monday.
Year 4
Please be aware that Year 4 will be completing their Times Table Check this week and next. Good luck to you all.
We look forward to welcoming our Year 4 parents / carers on Tuesday for Learn with my Child at 9.10am - 10.10am (approximately). Please come for as little or as much as you can. As with the other year groups, regrettably we are unable to accommodate younger siblings at these events.
Is you child joining Nursery in September
Do not forget there is a meeting for those parents of children joining us in Nursery in September on Tuesday at either 2pm or 7pm. You only need attend one meeting. Please complete the slip on the letter to let us know when you will be attending. We look forward to welcoming you. 
Good luck to the Year 5 and 6 Quad Kids Team who take part in the borough competition on Wednesday.
On Friday we will be having a non-uniform day to show our support to OCA. In return for wearing non-uniform we ask that children bring a bottle or a teddy bear. This is for the School Fete on 6th July. Please ensure bottles are full and sealed. If you are bringing alcohol, please ensure that this is passed from parents directly to staff. Thank you in advance for your support.
Things to be aware of
Class Celebration Assemblies start again on 12th June. Dates have already been sent out. Reminders will also be shared prior to your classes assembly.
Letters that went out last week:
The following letters went out last week:
May Newsletter
OPAL equipment request
Religious Education Subject Newsletter
Bottle and Teddy Tombola (OCA)
Colchester Castle Trip (Year 2)
Ancient Greek Workshop (Year 3)
Paradise Wildlife Park Trip (Year 4)
Learn with my Child (Year 4)
Stayers (Year 6)
Have a good week everyone!
Mrs Savidge