We had another good week at Clockhouse last week despite the strange and tricky times we are living through. The children continue to be fabulous as do our whole community. We really could not do this without your unreserved support.
Thank you to all those parents who are really supporting their children and practising the children's reading and spellings with them at home as well as number bond, times tables and completing home learning. We are really seeing the difference in school and it is lovely to see all your messages about this on Dojo. Remember every time the children read at home that get a raffle ticket and are entered into our weekly prize draw - you have to be in it to win it!
Harvest Festival
On Tuesday we will be having our annual Harvest Festival with the children. As per the letter that came out, we will not be able to accept tins but urge you, should you be out shopping, to put a food donation in one of the Food Bank drop off points at a supermarket. If you wish to take a picture doing this we would love to see it.
Year 6
As is normal at this time of year, secondary schools want to introduce themselves to the Year 6 children prior to you all making your final decision regarding choices for Secondary School. On Tuesday morning Bower Park Academy will be Zooming into Year 6 to introduce themselves.
Thank you to all those parents and carers who have responded positively to our request to wear masks when queuing and on site. This is really appreciated. We also do understand that some people are exempt and if you are able to wear your badge we would be grateful. Thank you also to you for ensuring orderly queueing and social distancing whilst doing so. Whilst I know the queuing system is not ideal, please can I request that people do not push in the queue as tempting as it is. It is not fair on others who have queued which I am sure you can understand.
Just as a reminder, please be aware, should your child or anyone in your household develop symptoms of Coronavirus - a temperature of 37.8 or above (this is in line with Government guidance), a loss of taste or smell or a continuous cough, your child must NOT come to school. As a family you will all need to isolate and get a test for the person who has symptoms only. Tests can be booked using the link below:
Other than for the above reason, or your child is too unwell to attend school, they should come to school everyday. If you are unsure, please ask.
Letters that went out last week:
The following letters went out last week:
Welcome Back letters
Wearing Masks on school site
Letter from Havering Council
Letter from Department of Education
Harvest Festival
As always we thank you for your continued support in all we do.
Have a good week everyone and stay safe!