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Weekly reminders for week beginning 25th February 2019

Welcome back everyone, we hope you all had a lovely week. We are looking forward to hearing about your holiday tomorrow and seeing everyone back and ready and raring to go!


We have a busy term ahead so we hope everyone is ready to learn tomorrow.


Please remember that school starts at 8.55am and learning really does start straight away. Teachers are available from 8.50am. We really need to improve our attendance this term so please help us out by ensuring that children are in school everyday and on time unless it really is unavoidable!


We are... Week

We have a busy but exciting week with all the children with our inaugural We are... Week.

Throughout the week the children will be doing lots of different to inspire them about their futures as well as supporting our local and wider community.

Please ensure that if you have not returned the permission slip for this week (Year 1, 2 and 4) it is returned by Monday along with any voluntary contributions you have been asked for.


Year 3

Year 3 are off to the Natural History Museum on Tuesday. Please ensure consent forms etc. are returned on Monday if you have not done so already.


Year 5

The Year 5 children will be launching their new theme about Victorians with a Victorian Day on Thursday - we look forward to seeing some fabulous costumes. Please ensure contributions are sent in if you have not done so already.


Parents Evening (Nursery - Year 6)

Please do not forget that it is Parents Evening on Wednesday and Thursday, please see your child's class teacher on Monday if you need to book an appointment.


No Cost Uniform Shop

Our No Cost Uniform Shop will be back open on Thursday after school in the Key Stage 1 ICT Suite. Please do come along as there is lots of uniform etc. to give away.


Clockhouse visit to KPMG

Mr Bottrill, Mr Ilya, Mrs O'Connor and our Digital Leaders are off to visit the KPMG on Friday - a very exciting opportunity.



Good luck to the Girls Football Team who play Parsonage Farm Primary (away) on Wednesday and to the Netball Team who play Hylands Primary (away) on Friday.


Letters that went out week before half term:

The following letters went out the week before half term:

Club cancellation

We are... Week

Care Home visit (Year 1)

Library visit (Year 2)

360 Play visit (Year 4)


Have a good week everyone.
