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Weekly reminders for week beginning 25th May 2020

Good morning Clockhouse


A huge WELL DONE to you all for completing the first half of the summer term and I hope that the beginning of the half term holiday has started well for you all. I hope you and your families are keeping well. What a hard and strange time it is! Thank you to all those in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 who completed the questionnaire regarding whether your child will be returning in June or not. This is really helping us with our planning and more will be said about this below.


As with the Easter holiday, although very different from the normal half term we usually have, everyone does deserve a bit of a rest so that our batteries can be recharged and we are ready to go again next week when many of you we will return to the home schooling regime and we hope some will join us back in school! Our advice over the holiday period is to rest and have some fun, spend time as a family and just do the best you can. We would encourage you to keep some routine so that when we return after the holidays you and the children can get back into the full swing of things with relative ease.


This week there will no home learning set on Google Classroom each day. This will return on Monday 1st June. There will however be a few things to look out for to keep you going, should you wish to take part:

  • Today (Monday) the weekly learning sheet will be sent to you with ideas of things you can do and websites you can access should you wish
  • The daily up date from me (Tuesday – Friday).
  • My normal Tuesday message.
  • Further information as the week progresses about the reopening of the school (please keep an eye out for this)
  • The Challenge of the Day
  • A special video coming out later in the week
  • As well as anything else we can find you help you along the way!
  • There will be no Votes for Schools this week due to it being the holiday.


Other things to be aware of:

  • There will continue to be school staff in school every day (Tuesday – Friday), but this will be on a rota basis and will only be a skeleton staff.
  • The best way to contact teachers / school staff is messaging via Class Dojo, please be aware that this will not be manned as closely as it has been over the half term whilst the school staff have some kind of holiday. If you do need us though we are still here and this form of communication can be used. Our responses might just be a little slower.
  • The school phones will only be manned between 7.45am and 3.30pm (Tuesday – Friday). Please do not hesitate to call, even if it is only for a chat. If we cannot talk at that moment, someone will get back to you as soon as they can. Please only use option 3 and 5, as other lines will not be manned due to the reduced work force each day.
  • We will continue to ask for a weekly return from those key workers who may need child care for the next week, please do let us know in good time if you have not done so already.


We continue to plan for some children to return to school at the beginning of June and await the governments announcement on Thursday to confirm this. Myself and many of the staff will be working hard throughout the half term so that we are in a good position to open as soon as we can following conformation from the government. The whole of the Senior Leadership Team will be in school on Wednesday and I am hopeful that we will be in a position to communicate more information with you following this about the arrangements for the reopening of the school to those who wish to access this provision. Please keep an eye out for this. Please be assured that we are doing everything we can to not delay reopening but I cannot guarantee that this will be 1st June. Your child’s, the staffs and your safety is of paramount importance so we need to ensure that we are in the strongest possible position to ensure this.


Please keep sharing your pictures with us, we love seeing them and it really does brighten up our day. By sharing with us via class dojo or our other platforms, we will take this as your consent for wider sharing. If you do not want photos shared please do not send them.


We continue to really miss you all and truly cannot wait see you again but we really are so proud of each and every one of you. This time has made us realise even more how wonderful you are, how important you all are to us all but ultimately what a privilege we have working with such a wonderful and supportive community – thank you Clockhouse.


I am sure you will want to join with me in thanking those in our community who are front line and key workers and also our great staff team. Again we are so lucky to have such an amazing community who has pulled together during this difficult time.


Please look after yourselves and each other, and make the most of this time as a family! Enjoy half term and I will be in touch.

We are still one community and are here for you all.

Our school – a family and a home for everyone!

Keep smiling and stay safe

Mrs Savidge
