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Weekly reminders for week beginning 11th May 2020

Good morning Clockhouse


I hope you are all well and keeping safe and the same is true for your wider families. I hope you have all enjoyed the longer weekend and enjoyed celebrating VE Day. From what we could see you certainly made the most of it. It is so easy for the momentum to stop when doing the same thing day in and day out, but keep going team Clockhouse – you are doing a great job!


Well like me, I am sure you all eagerly await what Boris Johnson and the Government will say this evening. Again, I reiterate, I know no more than you and will sit watching the briefing this evening just like, I am sure, many of you will. What I can tell you is that should there be any announcement that affects school, the Senior Leadership Team have a meeting scheduled for 9.30 on Monday morning to discuss and plan. Please bear with us and we will communicate with you as soon as we can after this.


We hope you enjoyed the different things that came your way during last week. The videos we received from Wales and India were truly touching and reminded us even more, how much we miss you all – thank you. Well done to all those who sent their video messages, this will be coming out to you in the near future. I have to say your learning last week during our History Week surpassed our expectations, I really do admire you all (parents and children alike). I know the teaching staff had a tough job picking last week’s Home Learning Heroes but well done to those who received this award. We will be busy looking for the next ones from Monday morning.


This week, the following is still the case:


  • There will be a small number of staff in school every day on a rota basis.
  • The best way to contact teachers / school staff is messaging via Class Dojo, they will be online throughout the day this week and will get back to you as soon as they can. You can also communicate with them via Google Classroom.
  •  The school phones will only be manned between 8.00am and 3.30pm. Please do not hesitant to call, even if it is only for a chat. If we cannot talk at that moment, someone will get back to you as soon as they can. Please only use option 3 and 5, as other lines will not be manned due to the reduced work force each day.
  •  Should your child be eligible for Free School Meals and moving forward you decide that you need support, please alert us in good time.

Please can we ask that is you do have any feedback for us that you feel would improve what we are doing, do let us know. A message on Dojo or an email to would be helpful. Equally if you would like me to give a shout out to a member of staff during my weekly message on a Tuesday, these can also be emailed to the same email address. I know the staff listen out to see if they get a mention so please do send them to me!


We are very excited about the Times Table Rock Star challenge, look out for that starting tomorrow – who will be victorious boys or girls! We are also very excited to tell you that Mrs Everingham will again be doing a live workout on our school Facebook page this week. This will be at 10am on Wednesday (13th May). It would be lovely to see even more of you taking part than last time.


Please keep sharing your pictures with us, we love seeing them and it really does brighten up our day. By sharing with us via class dojo or our other platforms, we will take this as your consent for wider sharing. If you do not want photos shared please do not send them.


These are very strange for us all. We really do miss you all and truly cannot wait see you again – let us just hope that it is sooner rather than later!


I am sure you will want to join with me in thanking those in our community who are front line and key workers and also our great staff team. We are so lucky to have such an amazing community who has pulled together during this difficult time.


Please look after yourselves and each other, we miss you all dearly!


We are still one community and are here for you all.

Our school – a family and a home for everyone!

Keep smiling and stay safe

Mrs Savidge
